richard gere's character so creepy rewatched 2021.3.12, no idea i'd watched it before! god. really like the part about sex worker's consent and power, how she felt violated dressed as a lady, outed as a prostitute, and accosted by a rich creep. hollywood cinderella story
“民主德国在79平方米房间里的延续”片头的过渡方式或许就表明了框式构图作为隐喻的可能:窗格、电视乃至汉堡王的窗口都是谜面而在镜前Lara拆穿Alex的谎言录像带呈现剪辑的妙用——何尝不是对东德的一种隔靴搔痒的讽刺又或是真的“把民主德国变成了自己理想中的模样”当直升飞机悬挂的列宁像掠过母亲那悬空的手似是欢迎或拥抱然后转瞬离去而她的视线停留在(那宇航员曾说过的离家太远了的)天空之上也停留在个体回忆或集体历史之中Go West, where the skies are blue.